Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
From middle school to high school, your years are full growth and new experiences. Gateway cares about you as a teen in all areas of life. Thats why we partner with Young Life and leaders to make sure you have people dedicated to seeing you grow, having support, and experiencing the love of Christ through the church. We're here for you and want to help you find community and grace.

Just for Youth
10:30 Worship Service
Join the Church family as a whole. Worship with us, sit with us, but also connect with your friends while engaging the service and even serving along side us.
Youth Group Coming Soon
Weekly Youth Group if for Middle and High School students at Slippery Rock High School and Grove City High School. Meet with us locally every week with our Young Life leaders and College students

Partnering With Young Life
With home bases in Grove City and Slippery Rock, we partner with Young Life to provide you with the opportunities, resources, and leaders. From social events, to going deep in your faith, we partner on purpose for you.
Gateway Night
Gateway Night is a night for the entire church: Including you! While we all eat together and share learning times, there is time just for Middle School and High School students to connect and grow. It's a great place to invite a friend to a meal too.

Small Groups
Young Life Groups
The entire church is asked to go deeper with each other through Small Groups. Making sure you have a place to grow in your stage of life is something we wanted to provide for you too. This is a place to join your friends and a trusted leader to work out your faith so that you can own it and follow Christ.