The Church is more than just the worship service. Living life together as a united family is important for not only ourselves, but for the health of our brothers and sisters in the church. Gateway Night is a time to share a meal with families, children, college students, and everyone in between. After we share a meal, we learn together, serve together, and fellowship together.

The Meal
The Fellowship
Bring a meal
Each Gateway night is fueled by the members of Gateway bringing a meal. We usually have a sign up form that you can use to find out what you can bring. If we all chip in, we always have enough for all.
Help Set up and tear down
Sometimes we don't have the means or even a kitchen to cook a meal to share (dorm life -- right!?) So we still need help setting up and tearing down dinner. A great way to make sure the meal happens is by serving in this way.
A Time to Grow
Usually, we split the rest of the night into 2 tracks of learning so that parents, kids, students, and those serving all have a chance to participate in all areas of the night.
Adults and College Students
Its important to have an opportunity to dive into areas of our faith together. Hear from our pastors, staff, and members on topics of faith that will help us grow as a community.
Kids will have a time to play together, learn together, and grow in their faith led by volunteer parents and college students.
Parents will have the opportunity to do faith building activities with their children for part of the time, but have other child free time to engage with other members of the church in the adult learning times
Its important to have your own time with your peers. Its pretty simple. Gateway loves you and wants you to have that time. Gateway Night has that.
A Time To Serve
Gateway Night doesn't happen without volunteers. But you don't have to volunteer the entire night. Gateway Night is for you too. Take part of the time to serve:

Kitchen Help
It's a Meal
We always need help serving and setting up food before the event. Once we finish the meal, we want to clean up so the kids have area's to play and do their activities

Be a Leader
Take some time to help out with our kids games, activities, and teaching. Your service helps our little ones grow into the people God created them to be.

Hang out
Serve with the youth and be a friend, mentor, and leader as you get to know our teenagers, who are actually cool.

Gateway Leader
Serving all of us
The night is lead by leaders from within the church sharing their stories and experiences in order to help us grow as a church. Talk to us if you want to help lead a session.