Campus Weekly Update

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Welcome new and familiar.  All you need for this week is right here.
Find this page on the web, or through the QR code.  Better yet...
This page is the most up-to-date form of communication we have.
Let's get you connected with the things you need.

Worship Sunday 10:30 am

Sign up. for Jubilee

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Leadership Together

Leadership Together is a gathering that challenges college student leaders to live out their Biblical worldview on campus and invite others to do the same. Let’s seek together what it means to be distinctly Christian leaders!

Friday, September 15, 2023 |  5:00 pm
SRU Student Center

Please Check In

If you're new, visiting, or tried and true, let us know you are here so we can stay connected!  We'll say hi and make sure to honor your time and privacy!


So you know...

Kids Club
Kids club, ages 3-1st Grade. Head to Kids after we dismiss you for a kid-themed worship and growth time.
Open to all infants and toddlers under 3. Feel free to drop in at any time before or during the service.
Counseling Center
MLT Launch
Ministry Leadership Teams (11 of them!) will start in the summer. If you want more information, Click Here and connect with Chris, Josh & Tim. Fill out the form on the page linked.
College Summer Engagement
Sign Up
We want to stay connected this summer. So let us know if you are around and how you'd like to stay connected. Click Here
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More Events

We'd love to see you at any of our events.  Gateway night is a big one! Thats a great place to start.  

See you soon!

Gateway Night

Resuming this Fall

Gateway night is for everyone.  Since we are a mobile church, it's super important to connect with you and your community together as a church.  Bring a dish to share, sit with all the church families, and enter into a time of growth and learning as a church body.  

Need a Ride?

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Grow Serve?

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Request a Small Group 

Feature Four

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Feature Five

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Feature Six

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